Viewing single post of blog Third Year Degree Project by Samuel Hadgraft

I have been thinking and contemplating over whether or not to have the kinetic piece on or not during the degree show, now the work has been tried and tested over and over again and i do have the option to put it on a timer so it only comes on for a short amount of time, but today, and more recently i have been having problems with it, the motor has been fine, it is the strings that have been getting caught up and breaking parts off, now if this was a homage to Tinguely’s Homage to New York, and there were no safety issues with the public then i’d happily let it run and leave it on, but i feel i have to make the decision to have it kept of during the show, and perhaps have me manually turn it off and on now and then. Things have been flying off and i have had to make repairs, and i don’t want to make this a public health hazard, so i will keep it off when i want it off and hopefully it will be okay until it is examined externally.