Its 5pm – busy day – we had some young helpers in all day – glueing the screens, painting wood, helping set up a shoot. Kim spent the day in the evaluation room – will be interesting to see the results. While she wasn’t in there I tried to set up for tonight’s shoot.

Natacha got pretty far with the screen. She thinks it might be up tomorrow. That would be fantastic. The earlier we have it running the better. Getting the position right has taken a lot of dialogue. The screen like a big space – the more the distance, the more the image reveals itself. We are building four times as many pixels into the screen than we did at le cube. Natacha seems to have it all under control. A lot of work to build it – its beautiful. The screen is very hand made – very craft like. its so nice to see technology like this. Felt, handled.

I am thinking I may need to shoot specifically for the screen. The screen likes gesture. I would like to shoot from the waste up. Someone who likes to move.

I have a two people in for a shoot tonight. The first at 7pm and the second at 8.30pm. A late night. We only have one light, and I am shooting against a black backdrop. The one light is hard to deal with – because the side lighting causes some not nice shadows. I need a filler light, but we don’t have one. I have had to position the light further to the back of the room with a diffuser. The light is a bit harsh, especially for the people in front of the camera. Its definitely not sounds proof so we will have a few sound issues.

I talked to Gordon Brand from Solent University who is developing screens – we are going to have a day together here on Thursday – trying different projections – different techniques. It will be interesting to see what we come up with. We are hoping to embed cameras into the sort of frame – who knows if we can. Potentially this screen could be used for amsterdam. I might try out another projector? I am testing the smaller portable ones bu am yet to find one that suits.

I tried to download the new version of the mind reading technology that is working a bit better with happiness. Still in the midst of it. I am working on pc’s because the mindreader works on xp, but its really foreign to me – so I find myself getting stuck on the simplest of tasks. it is frustrating