From Cambridge to Liverpool

It must have been back in December when i went to collect the Satellite Touring Territories evidence we sent in over the duration of the Space Exchange project. On the table it looked an interesting collection of work, when all packed up it looked well rather tiny really. Some things we have duplicates of so we have a copy for the Satellite archive but all the original things that we sent to Aid and Abet will be handed over to Dave Evans in Liverpool.

Speaking of which, Dominique and i are off to Liverpool this week. In the spirit of exchanging spaces, having looked around East Anglia for Dave, we now plan to follow up on our ‘Liverpool An Inexpert View’ artist talk from October last year, when we relied on mainly Internet sources (but also some books) to find out some interesting things about Liverpool. So to check our facts and develop our interests we will walk and bike our way around Liverpool (bike hire permitting). We will then return to Liverpool later in Spring to hand over the Touring Territories archive and give a talk about the whole project, researching UFO’s in East Anglia, our own practice interests based on our Liverpool fact finding mission and a mixture of other things too. We set off on Thursday morning so more soon.

Nicola Naismith