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I was still unsure on where to place my armchair, no matter where it seems to go, it just looks out of place. I think it is due to the large size of it. I decided to experiment with placing the chair as if it was watching the projector, to hopefully invite the viewer to take a seat. Where I have placed the chair means the viewer has to lean back to be able to really see the projection clearly unless they’re standing. I am happy with this as it means hopefully the viewer will be more inclined to lean back on the chair meaning they will interact with the hair on the chair…

The only problem with the chair being here is that it does kind of take the effect off of my 30 boards I have which I really don’t want to happen as I feel they are most effect when seen together as a whole, so I don’t really want to have an obstacle too in the way. It isn’t too in the way, but I do feel it is also blocking some of Rebekah’s pieces which I don’t want to do as it isn’t fair on her.

I need to experiment more with the positioning of the chair. It definitely is a lot better used to provoke the viewer into taking a seat to watch the film rather than just put against the wall, too obvious that it is a piece of work. So using the chair in a more inviting way will hopefully encourage the viewer take a seat then notice the hair and feel disgusted that they have sat against it.