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Carried on from the last post…

The items I chose really helped to reflect this auto-biographical collections. How I take off my make-up might be different to someone else, it is me who has took it off, it has traces of my skin all over it. So many people found this abject which I really liked. I wanted people to be disgusted at my work. It wasn’t obviously in your face disgusting, just subtle. It might take the viewer a little while to realise what it actually is. then once confronted with this abject material they then become shocked. I liked this idea a lot which is then what I brought into my work a lot.

My work also started to take on a lot about my daily routine. It began to reflect this boring repetitiveness of every day routine. For example the application of my make-up, the removal of make-up, putting in contact lenses, taking them out, brushing my hair etc. Routines are so boring yet we all do them as part of life. My work then had several topics it all interlinked with:

Auto-biographical collecting

Making this collection abject through materials of me and

Portraying the repetitiveness of daily routine

I feel they all related well together interlinking making good connections throughout my work.