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‘100 Days of Make-up Wipes (part 1 and 2) and Cotton Wool Remains’:

I wanted to include the make-up wipe folders because it shows a large collection of myself for 100 days. When flicking through the viewer can see that it is very boring and repetitive. Every wallet looks exactly the same, but on closer inspection they are all so similar. They have the same markings, just made in a different way with these colours. I was inspired to create this after learning a lot about Dieter Roth’s work and how he filed away a whole years worth of collections of waste in an archive. I didn’t want to have too many folders, but I did decide on creating another one of cotton wool for another collection of the remains of me. I decided to have one folder open to encourage the viewer to look through it and be more comfortable about looking at the other folders. This was also an influence from Roth as he filed away all of his collections on shelves, apart from a few which were lit by lamps drawing the viewer to look at them.

I didn’t want all my work to be too similar as it is all of me it is going to be very similar. I wanted to be experimental with the display to really push my work and make it as appealing as I could to keep the viewers interest. As much as I had the idea in my head the perspex shelf was going to work it didn’t due to the weakness of it so there came the plinth. Overall the plinth I do feel is a lot more successful than what the shelf would have been, as the folders are more inviting laid out like this.

Overall I am happy with how my degree show has turned out. I did encounter a lot of problems which affected my original plans, but luckily I overcame them and have made it to the best I feel I can for my chosen area of auto-biographical collecting exploring subtle abjection and repetitive daily routines.