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Marina Abramovic

Her work reflects the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and possibilites of the mind.

In this particular photograph it seems that there are christian references with the use of flaggelation and the use of the cross made of ice, and the use of honey and wine in this performance, some spectators may recognise this as a orthordox ritual,

It is Interesting that in her personal life, as a child her family dynamic seems to have been in termoil, her parents quarreled constantly, and Abramovic was beaten constantally by her dispilarian mother, because she felt that she was showing off.

The Brother of her Grandfather was the patriach of the orthordox church and revered as a saint. So everything about her childhood is about sacrafice, religion or communisium.

The purpose of performing these rituals is to ask for forgiveness for the sins commited over the year for ones self and family- a type of penitence.