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I was thinking about peformance artists such as Franko B, Ron Athay and Ana Mendieta, and how they use their own bodies in almost a ritulistic sense.

I guess I was relating this to my project, thinking of my project character and the performance of breast binding to disguise the fact she is a female and the self punishment she Inflicts on her own body, because of guilt (maybe)!!

In some of the performances peformed by these artists they act as if the viewer is almost Intruding into shamantic ritual.

Shamanism is accociated with women, bloodletting during menstruation is believed to be an Important part of walking with spirits.

The letting of blood is seen as ‘unclean’ The mythology probally originated in the old Testament.

“She is to be put apart for her uncleanness” for seven days” (Lev.18;19)

“Any man who lies with her during this time is also unclean for seven days, anyone who touches her is unclean till the evening, and every thing she sitteth upon shall be unclean” (Lev.15:19-24).!!!!!!