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Sitting in studio space. About to start some research for my first draft chapter for my dissertation. Reading ‘ Man with a Blue Scarf’. A book written about sitting for a portrait painted by Lucian Freud. Hope it will give me some insights into some of the merits as to working from a life model compared to a photograph. In my paintings I am trying to work looser and be more expressive. Love Lucian Freuds’s work. I went to see his exhibition last year in London where I was so inspired by his work, and was fascinated how his paintings developed over the years. I loved the bold paintwork and texture of his later work. I feel I am developing a looser style since buying some much larger brushes and not working too much on the painting in pencil first. Tutor Robin advised me to use bigger brushes and in hog hair, I did….and have found that since swapping my fine brushes for larger hog hair has changed how I paint. ..allowing for them to become looser and allowing me not to follow an obediant literalness, but not without keeping to the likeness of the person I am trying to paint. I am interested in real people. Honest images of real ordinary people. . I am interested in the extrodinary ordinary Need to get better canvas’s. Also need to find out how to post up images of my paintings on this blog.

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