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i have taken some time from all the preparations for the Degree Shows to do some work and to rest. It has taken so much of my time and has exhausted not only me but also my fellow students. WE are all doing so well as best we can.

As part of the EXIT Degree Show i have tried to do what i can but there are some people who are more able than i am in that curating role and i made a lot of effort to bring in some good raffle prizes for our Art Auction on wednesday … bit of my marketing role kicking in. I have been trawling through some local journals too, and taken note of the advertising opportunities through Degrees Unedited. I have come to the conclusion i need more help!

With the work i have been creating i have also had to draw away from the Admission theme and try something different.

In experiments i drew inspiration from the work i did in my Reflective Practice, that i looked at my origins of my interest in Art. This is so important at this time and naturally i have been working like this for a while. Most of the work i have done over the past year has been discovering the baseline and bottom of the well of my creative force.

From beginnings in Art at school to design back to art. In so many ways we are all artists but if you make those steps like so many other artists have that Art becomes a way of life…. this is where the stories come from. Life … origins of living and experience.

Since being a Spatial Design Student at what was Suffolk College in 1992 when the building had just that month been built, there have been many stories told on those stairs, the days and nights of activity that the stairs could if they could speak tell of all the stories and dramas on the stairwell. I decided to use some magnetic mirrors to reflect that history.

The Mirror Voids, Origins Behind the Stories on the Stairs, 2011 had to be done when no-one was about for safety issues, and while installing them it occurred to me the similarities with the Admit Mirror Confessions and Observations i did last year at the Salthouse Hotel. The way in which we move through the space and we all become part of the Art work as we walk along past the mirrors.

They are small and may not be noticed at first so i have made a label and some description of the work to go up to support it.

I will be in the white space again on the following monday after tomorrow because i have some work i need to do towards the degree show planning. As the room is square and the space i hope to use is an L shape this will be a challenge! but it will be an experimentation.

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