Creating the seven prints of the scientist has changed from the original idea, the first image shown on the right is of when I had created an etching plate, then printed it onto a lino cut print that i had created as the base colour. The aim was to create an image which was clear on what it was about. however once I had merged a lino print with a drypoint one, I did not like the end result, shown here with just one flat colour with an etch on top of it.

Giving a little break from trying to make the best print i could, I designed another 3 plates to be created into an etch, meaning that so far i have 5 out of the seven designs for the final series. I had created these digitally as I had obtained a graphics tablet which I was trying out for the first time to try and expeirance what it would be like to use one. To the right are the three other designs that I have created so far. They have been coloured with just one colour for the base which is what I would use for the creation of the lino print with the black lines the design for the dry point etch. I have decided on having four prints with a scientist involved, and 3 prints which will be of just jars to add variety to the series, and not just have the same things happening in each print.