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Paintings that came out of my trip to Cyprus are those pictured; Untitled I and Untitled II.

These were painted with consideration to the environment around me – see the pictures “Blue Doors” and “Kitchen”. This idea of using a dominant object amongst surroundings has been a pivotal stage for development for me. Since coming home, this has been a constant and most important theme.

I find that the form works very well as non-representative and as such I can focus on really getting to grips with the way that I can paint this.

Untitled III are two developed paintings based on the small painted sketches mentioned earlier. These took longer to produce, as I used very thin layers mixed with linseed oil in order to gain a very rich colouring and sense of depth. They will ultimately be part of a series.

I think there are endless possibilities with this form and endless experimentation ahead. Not all of them will be as aesthetically sound as the first couple, but the key to finding what works and what doesn’t is to keep on working.