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Approaching works in a different way now; am actively considering the types of space that the works will be shown in, which influences what the work actually looks like or how it is put together.

Will talk more about this in my next blog.

Have been reading about Allan Graham’s work who I found in an Art in America magazine. He is not a really well know artist, and the works I’ve seen I cannot find from the internet to use, so I’ve scanned an image from the magazine to show you what I’m talking about. It’s not great quality but it shows why I’ve started to place works on the floor using just some old wood for a support.

Although some of Allan Graham’s work deals with different aspects, such as words and poetry, his installations of canvases react and engage with the space that they are situated in, and his use of wooden steps that lead up to the paintings connect the floor space with the works positioned against the wall.

I had some old wooden blocks in the garden which I brought in, and with some of my works, these work, however with others, they don’t. The one pictured, is one I think that benefits from this addition.