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What you gonna do when the walls come falling down,
You never move you never make a sound,
When you gonna swim with the riches that you found,
If you’re lost at sea well I hope that you drown

My message to the H+S ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

14.10 hits and I make a start, the dude never showed so I am just told to start; at this point I know that will not be able to get the whole thing done, but the head tutor was working hard to try and resolve the weekend issue so that students would be allowed in and be allowed to work.

I thought the best way to tackle the task would be to lay out a grid system; marking out 10ft spacing’s and applying two phrases within each one, works better in theory. I’d chosen 13 key phrases overall from a list of many, the 13 were punchy and were as I wanted, buzzwords that the media and government use that they think we understand but don’t, in other words, these are phrases they use when they want to confuse you. The words I’d chosen were: Double Dip, Triple Dip, Big Society, Budget Cuts, Moral Authority, Spending Cap, Lip Service, Age of Austerity, Token Gesture, Plebgate, Budget Deficit, Terror Claims, Broken Britain. Although some of these phrases are easy to work out or interpret, we are still not given a true definition for their meaning.

As requested by H+S I cordon off the area I am working in and I wear the appropriate safety gear, after half an hour in to it I realise it is going to take a lot longer than I thought, the wind had really picked up and the stencil I had had cut were blowing everywhere, no matter how many pieces of old wood and bricks I got to hold them, they just didn’t keep still, as well as this was the fact that I couldn’t get even coverage of the chalk paint, the wind was blowing half of it away and it was appearing patchy. The moment I started the piece I knew I didn’t want to do it, it just wasn’t the appropriate conditions. After two and a bit hours I was two phrases in, I had hoped to be double this by now, it was nearing 16.30 and I was feeling deflated. Then to make it worse I was told that I would have to stop at 17.00 as all the technicians were going home and I wasn’t allowed to continue un supervised, bearing in mind I had been out for nearly three hours by myself, where was the supervision then???

At this point I just felt like packing up and I went to see the tutor to see what the options were, he phoned the technician and it was decided that I was not allowed to carry on working and I would not be allowed to carry on over the weekend, so a decision about the work had to be made. The tutor said that If I wanted to I could have Monday to carry on with it and my marking would not be affected, or I could just stop, explain my reasoning, wash off what I and done and call it a day.

It would look very good to have it on the ground for the degree show but I just don’t have the time, the wind is still up and I feel it would take me longer than just Monday to complete, so my decision is to not carry on with it.

Am I being defeatist???

Probably, but that is my choice and I feel that it is the right one, I was not given enough time in the first place due to weather conditions and I would hate to produce a piece of work that is not 100%. I still have the opportunity to produce this work as it is the same Idea I will doing for the SNIP exhibition next week, as the piece will be inside, it will be a lot easier to install.