A fine art course in the town of ipswich.


One last post before degree show night.

The warning that will appear on the door to my room.






I set my camera up to record me smashing the phalluses. I had previously decided that I wasn’t going to use the video footage but display it on here. However I wanted to take the sound and play it as it would be more effective.

I set my camera up to record the smashing however I didn’t check it to see if it was still recording at intervals so I haven’t got any footage of what was an amusing slightly dangerous and powerful performance piece. All that’s left is the relic, which you shall be able to see once the degree show is in full swing, as I don’t want to ruin the surprise until then.

Apologies to those eager to see the video I am extremely mad at myself for my negligence. Never rely on things.


I got all of the plastic sheeting down and secured and began playing around with the composition of the degree show.

I placed the two pink hers at opposite ends of the room and put the other two staggered to the left side. This has created a nice flow and balance within the room.

I touched up a few spots of paint that had become marked and set about smashing the phallus.


Today I dressed the bed for her 2. It’s got a fitted sheet on the mattress and pillow and pillowcase and a double fitted sheet on the top. Completely unintentionally the double fitted sheet looks like a huge discarded condom on the bed.

I liked the irony that this created. The role of these females is castration they will bite the penis off so the very thought of putting a condom on it seems silly.

The condom imagery also adds to the overall sexual film of my hole show.

Also today I got some plastic sheeting for the floor. This is much better than the cloth ones I had on before and looks more clinical and a slightly disturbed as if something messy is going to happen and these are down as a precaution.

These however have created a problem – a slippery floor. I’ve got to put a warning sign up and I’ve put hazard tape down also just to highlight this fact.


This is the covering two paragraphs I wrote when I handed this blog in as a hard copy as part of the critical review module.

The blog has been a useful tool for me for the degree show project. It has provided a digital platform for me to show my work, the research and influences that I have used to get it to the point it is now. Having my fellow students sharing the same site as me it’s easy to keep up to date with the processes they are going through providing some talking points and discussions about work.

I have used the blog to procrastinate about my work. To think in detail about what it may mean, link it to theories and other media to make, I hope a flowing digital sketchbook of the progression this module has taken. For me this has been better than keeping a sketchbook. Its much easier to upload pictures from the day and an account of what a has happened and publish than it is to print, stick in and write in a sketchbook.