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My Space.

Degree show spaces have now been allocated and my own plans can be drawn up. Wall space is in short supply, but I am happy with my lot. Having hoped to display two large scale pieces decent viewing distances were required and that is what has been provided, one wall 3 metres wide, another at a ninety degree angle to this at about 4m wide.

The large works are both oversize head and shoulder portraits approximately 1.2m wide by 1.8m high. Square on viewing distances of at least 3m were needed to observe the works in their entirety both individually and for them to be seen in one view together. The 3m wall can accommodate both the works and the viewing distances comfortably.

The works, two very different faces were conceived and designed to work together, to both compliment, spark off and create a dialogue with each other, therefore the reason distances were so important to me. With technical aspects covered it is up to me to deliver my conception.

The second wall is to carry many more works in entirely different arrangements to create a contrast with the more ordered structure of the first. I feel it is important to the subject matter to try to grab and hold the viewer’s interest with the many different styles, approaches, surfaces and sizes of composition I have been working in. The aim is to plant some kind of idea in the audience of the scale, complexity, diversity and randomness of the issue I am trying to portray without actually spelling it out. The space is being prepared, the work is progressing at a pace and soon will be ready to be considered, edited and hung.