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A few days ago I visited a butchery and took photographs of the meat hanging in there walk in fridge.

I did this to gather images to use as reference for colour palate.

Meat and flesh is a relationship I wanted to explore since the beginning of this project as it is a theme that reoccurred in my dissertation and has done through out art history.

– Soutine and Rembrandt, ‘Carcass of Beef’.

I had thoughts while I was there about flesh in an in between state – something Jenny Saville has identified in her work.

It was in-between being an animal and being meat. Bacon once said that the colour of meat made it alive. How could it be dead with that richness of colour.

The camera / setting I used did not capture fully the reality of colour and there is no way to capture the physicality of the room.

It smelt. There was dripping blood. I was dodging around the meat as I moved through out the room taking pictures.

Some strips of flesh had nipples on it. It was sad to see that. It reminded me this was a creature.