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As this is my first post I’ll offer a bit of an introduction to my work over the past few months.

For quite a while now my work has been mainly concerned with non-places: spaces such as stations, airports, motorways, bridges, petrol stations, etc. that we just pass through in order to get somewhere else. I am also interested in the idea of a passenger being “suspended” between two places on a journey, and the notion that non-place could be thought of as a state of mind or being.

Other non-places I’ve been looking at are recreational spaces which are out of season or disused, such as outdoor swimming pools or basketball courts.

My work mainly consists of oil paintings, but I have also been using collage and photography to develop my initial ideas.

I’m now in the final year of my degree, so I am working up to my degree show. Before then I’d like to experiment more with contrasting abstraction and figuration, as well as bringing more colour to my painting.