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So the Degree show is looming, and finally I have some plans. Last week I put forward my idea to the rest of my year group on my course. I explained how I want to design part of, if not all, the gallery space in which people will show their work. The space itself would therefore be my work and I would not have anything else in the exhibition. I want to do this as a way to explore how space influences how people view art, whether through the order they see it or the experience they have in seeing it.

There was predictably a mixed response, but on the whole it seemed more positive than I had expected. The main things I have to do now is continue my research into the gallery space, begin designing the space that I want to make and work out how I am going to afford it. I will probably have to apply for funding.

Hopefully I can begin to get some design ideas in the next few weeks, as I need to get people who would be willing to show their work in my gallery and the best way is to show them what I want to do.