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Our show finally seems to be coming together. We’ve already had three very productive meetings this week and everything is becoming clearer. Our show relates a lot to the issues of putting together a group show. Particularly a show where each person’s work is so different and there is so little to link them. Our title looks at these difficulties further by not being just one title but several (I shall post it when it is finally finished). We’re tackling the issues of continuity through the use of an antechamber which will contain objects and books relating to our practices. The visitor to the show is then encouraged to create their own links between objects and work and therefore also between the art works.

There has been difficulty in creating a show with a theme than encompasses all of our practices. In previous years the concentration has been on the idea of the show symbolising an end, or a beginning. Two years ago this was done through calculating the groups collective debt, last year through the title ‘departures’. We wanted to avoid the concentrations being on us as students about to graduate. I have said before about the differences of my course with many others and the difficulty in explaining and presenting it to people, particularly as it encourages such different work from people. It is the difficulty of doing this that has made us want to create a show that uses our differences and plays on the hardships of creating a group show from such diverse practices.