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I have a blogger profile! Horaay! You can look at it here;


I have now moved home from Brighton and my life as an art student has come to a close. Now all I need to do is find a job/ internship/ work experience with a gallery or magazine and make sure I keep up my art practice. I’ve not made much progress with either yet…

I have plans to create some drawings that are based on ideas I talk about in my blogger profile. For now I’ve put performance ideas to one side until I’ve explored the ideas further.

This will probably be my last post in degrees unedited. I’ve been developing my tumblr to act as a website and I shall be concentrating my blogging efforts there for now. You can see it here;

Lastly I want to say thanks to a-n, degrees unedited and Richard Taylor. Keeping this blog has been a great help for me this year and being awarded a runner-up prize was amazing. I’m sure I’ll be back blogging on artist’s talking at some point!