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Lonely, loneliness?

Is this the title for this work? I’m forcing myself to keep titliing my work as I feel that a title can trigger questions about what means the work to me. If I call it untetlitled there is more chances that the work won’t have as much impact as it does when the work is titled, if I know what I mean myself!

So yes, I’m trying to keep the titles going, the previous work in the previous posts it was titled yesterday, at the time of making it I didn’t have a title. At some point the idea of leaving a piece without a titled could mean to me that is only an experiment in progress but why not tittling experiments too… anyway I was just doing the washing up and I thought about this.

I think the more analysis into the work the better and the title for me is a big part to understand and give away to the viewer a bit of my thoughts and ideas.


The second pictures are fotographs of Rescue buoy, they have served me for new drawings, I love the geometrical shapes, the light that is reflected trough the tights is beautiful.


Rescue buoy, other work and drawings are displayed in same room to find connections and possibly recognising a new way of working.