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Well, I’m already feeling the benefits of having spent the day organising myself and de-cluttering my space. I still need to do more tomorrow but it is looking good again and the most important thing, I feel like to approaching my practice with a new feel again.

The other day as I was entering the reception at university, the caretakers and the fashion administrator were unloading loads of curtains and wallpapers samples which have been donated by a local shop. OMG! the colours on those samples, the quaiity of the fabrics, the textures, the patterns… i couldn’t stop looking to them from the distance only wishing that I could have some of those book samples. I decided to ask James the fashion administrator and for my surprise he was kind of- yeah! take as many as you want!… I ended up taking around 10 sample books of fabrics and two wall papers books. I looked like an interior designer with all these books in my desk.

Today I have been getting all the staples out of the books so I can have the samples of fabric ready and handy to make. My hands and wrists are a bit sore, some of the staples were massive as they were holding like 100 pieces of fabric together so I had to use all sort of stuff to get them out there… I’m almost done and now I have a cardboard box full of beautiful and colourful fabric samples. I have already got a project in my to do with this! so exciting.

I’m also thinking to put like a clipboard on the wall and clip there images of current artists works that I like rather than covering the whole wall. I will locate just one corner to it, somewhere where I can look if I need to but without getting in the way. Having the wall empty feels like an invitation to me to display my new drawings and work and to observe, experiment or draw from there.

Just as I was packing to go and pick up my gorgeous bundle of joy Lola from nursery, I found the solution to one of my dilemmas, the legs. I broke one of the ironboards that is piling on top of my things and I was left with the iron board legs, which they had served me to try out my last object made of zinc, cardboard and mod roc. I think the scale of the object with the hammer head and now on top of this iron board legs is quite succesful and I like the feel of it. It feels like if this woman is crossing her legs and kind of posing, it is a very confident posture I think and stands on its own. I left it like that and hopefully tomorrow when I first arrive it will keep telling me,-yes yes this are the right legs. I’m going to be casting some high heels shoes with pink fiberglass and other materials such as rubber, plaster… The iron board legs has two bits in each side so it is going to be difficult to attach shoes to it…

Everything is piling at the moment, hoovering is piling, cleaning job is piling, rubbish is piling, blog writing is piling, sketchbook process is piling, even sleeping is piling…

These are some of the pictures of today’s bright and sunny day in the studio.

I also went to see the MA students this morning, had to talk and show my documentation book. I really enjoyed that.


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