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I feel like I have almost catch up in here!

It is being useful to see the work that I have done so far collected in this blog, it is helping me to see the next step or what feeling I want to go for in my work now. I wish, though, I had written about all this work at the time, as it is being difficult to go back and reflect on this.

In February, I was playing with plastic, sewing it together and stuffing it with different materials. The cone in the pictures is meant to be more like a rectangular pointed shape, but I could sew it to the pattern and it ended up like a cone… :/ I need more practice sewing patterns, but I feel determined to get it right, so it is a matter of more practice and time.

People were attracted to this object, the cone, specially because you could see what’s going on inside. I have done a lot of stuffing in my work during the last 5 years. I like the energy that you put into it, it is like you give life to something when you stuff it, you complete it, you inflate it, plums out and it has another presence, a bit like a balloon really. But actually, there might be a lot to learn from the act of dis-inflate… this could be use when I make work about domestic violence, women feel like that in themselves, like the soul is gone or dis-inflated. umm If I could get balloons with the shape of women? is this possible? RESEARCH!

The idea of what means stuffing is presented here in these works. Should I be more thoughtful about what do I stuff with?. Using plastic really challenges me, as I need to think about the right stuffing for the right object.

From the cone, I started sewing the plastic with the fabric and following patterns that I found in the Internet. My first try, a lamb, that looks like a dog. The pattern was too small, and the plastic ended up breaking when I turn the inside out, so I couldn’t stuffed it properly.

Then, I made the chicken that is in previous post, easier to make. I ended up stuffing it with cord, because of lack of time but I was thinking to use more like bits from inside the body, quite bloody. In fact, this was just a suggestion and I couldn’t think of something else to do it with.

I’m thinking to use plastic again for my degree show. I feel a lot like sewing, I’m okay with sewing machines, and I think it will be a faster way to achieve more. I also want to get better at sewing so I think this is big chance to improve the skill.

The question is to make small or large? …