BA Honours Degree in Fine Art, combining practical coursework and Fine Art history


What a busy week, yet very little practical work actually achieved.

Having done my artist presentation and listened to most of the rest of the group doing likewise, it’s a relief to tick that off the list.

Xan has made a fab scaled version of our studio space so that we can all try to agree on places to exhibit our work.

My copper structure is now in my space and my next task is to decide how to hang the filigree work around it and move to the making of more decay inspired sculpture.

Heading off to Chatham campus today to try to laser cut my butterflies and meet up with tutor…small steps but we are getting there and all is coming together.


Hello again.

Iv’e been busy making more paper filigree work for my installtion.

Its amazing what a simple medium like paper can do and the effect it can have…a strip of paper is transformed into a flower, star, snowflake, amoeba etc

Im finding it very therapeutic just making shape upon shape and bending, sticking and manipulatiing these froms into something larger.

If you’d like to see more of my work, but not necessarily degree show material, then visit my website:

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Hello fellow artists and final year students who, like me and my college friends, are getting ready for our ‘Degree Shows’.

With the pressure of art history dissertations and professional practice units our of the way, the fun really begins…the creation of something amazing, large scale and exciting!!!

For myself, this is in the form of a paper based sculptural installation which follows on from the enjoyment I had in creating my last paper sculpture, entitled ‘Spirit’.

Its inspiration was the feeling of another ‘presence’, particularly when I am ‘at one’ with nature. It was also my response to the total sense of awe that engulfed me when seeing JAUME PLENSA’s figurative sculptures @ Yorkshire Sculpture Park at the end of summer.

His work and concepts have even led me to write my final thesis on the use of words and letters in 20th century art…Thank you, Jaume, for inspiring me further!