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I have just spent a very busy morning with the Updown Gallery in Ramsgate helping them to set up the wonderful Piers Secunda’s show.

Another wonderful insight into the workings of this gallery. The owners are such lovely people and are genuinely very happy for any help. I was mainly set to work with the painting of a plinth and labelling – not too taxing! Being sat at the reception desk it was great to watch the goings on within the gallery.

Piers’s work is tactile, quiet and beautiful. All of which belie the violent sources of his inspiration. He is fascinated with how oil is such an integral parts of our daily lives. The attached image is of Texan oil fields printed onto slabs of floor paint together with an exquisite puzzle ball of seventeen mobile layers.

All the amazing sculptures and paintings are made with the floor paint and so even the three dimensional works are described as paintings.

The show runs from the 21st June to 27th July and is well worth a visit.