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Planning the blocking-up of the lime planks took up most of Tuesday’s studio time, and left only a frenzied forty-five minutes to actually start laminating the wood. Going in a few days later to finish the job on my own seemed a good idea at the start, but the drawbacks in only having one pair of arms quickly became apparent. Nevertheless it’s glued and clamped, not as well as it could have been, but hopefully well enough. My first meeting with the staff was scuppered as they planned it for the end of the day when I make my mad dash for the school gate, so I had to appoint a deputy and send her in with my typed list of student feedback. How annoying.

Reading through the modules we were given at the start of term, there’s an essay on curation and a case-study ahead, and I’m quite glad that I’ve completed the essay and the brief for the first module, Visual Research and Working Methodologies. Getting some feedback on them next week will be crucial to refining them and then sticking them into the corner until hand-in, so I can get on with my dissertation.

Recently I’ve been thinking about how to improve my website… it’s a basic drag-and-drop site, which could be worse. I’m not too keen on it though, and I need to improve the images and make the most of the pages, but as I do it all myself it’ll have to wait until I can set aside the time. I want to hold off doing the major refurb until the new work is ready to be uploaded, but as I want to make a writing portfolio as well as a visual art gallery, I decided to try out a WordPress site. Not a lot on there at the moment, save last year’s dissertation and a few bits and pieces. At least it’s something to start with, and as the writing comes along at least it’ll have somewhere to go. We’re assigned a Professional Practice module, but this is something I’ll be hoping to do more of in the future, regardless. Anyway, I’ll leave a few links to my online footprint:





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