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The Cabinet of Curiosities

I am taking part in curating an exhibition with a group of talented artists at the Greestone Gallery. This includes a retrospective piece: Perfectus Pupae et Hominis Cicatricosus (Latin: Perfect Dolls and Scarred Human Beings) 2005

Opening is 2.00p.m. on Wednesday 13th February at Greestone Gallery, refreshments will be served. Continuing from 10.00 to 4.00p.m. daily until 25 March Monday to Friday.

The Cupboard Project is a platform for artists to exhibit work in a cupboard.

The Cabinet of Curiosities is a joint exhibition to showcase the work of those of us artists/curators who have initiated this venture to launch The Cupboard Project.

The Cupboard Project continues after its inception for other artists to use to exhibit their own work.