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The deadline for my dissertation project is looming near (4 May) and I am getting anxious!! I will try to post more frequently now and show you the progress of the Failure project.
The book/catalogue cover is finished and awaiting its pages. the size is A3 landscape. I tried to get clearer images to show you but the light has been terrible and the photographs look grey rather than black. I have used blind embossing for the words. I am thinking of including the acid free tissue sheet which was sandwiched between the stencil and the board (the blog header) this would be at the front of the book maybe after the title page – what do you think?
The first complete draft of the catalogue essay is completed and will go to my tutor on Monday. I am still working on the catalogue introduction which is about the work I’ve received and how the project was set up – I’m not happy with it yet – it sounds pretty boring but maybe that’s because I’ve re read it so many times and I’m my own worst judge!! A failure to say what I really want to say – sometimes the words just don’t come! Gosh I’ve written enough about failure to know it inside out now! Today I am going to transcribe the interview I had with Lisa Le Feuvre – again I’m not sure whether to include the actual transcribe (exhibition catalogues do this frequently) or to refer to it in the introduction! So many editorial decisions – I had no idea!!