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I realise I haven’t written a post for 3 weeks after making the intention to post weekly! Another failure to add to the list for my praxis project – I also have a blank black and white film which I processed last week (don’t ask!) and several blank A4 sheets of paper from the photocopier which were supposed to have images on them! Then my car wouldn’t start (but that’s another story!) I have just bought the book ‘Failure’ edited by Lisa Le Feuvre and published by the Whitechapel Gallery and that will be my reading this week. It was recommended by my tutor Anya Lewin who has also given me other links to research. I find her support really valuable. I am also working on the idea of a mail art project around the theme of ‘failure’ so if anyone is interested in taking part please get in touch with me – I still need to work out the details but my thinking at this point is that it will involve snail mail rather than the internet.

For negotiated practice I have been learning photoshop as I want to manipulate the slide transparency images that I have uploaded to my mac. So far I have been practising with layers, curves, colour balance, selection tools and cut and paste – here are before and after images – spot the difference? I have a long way to go with this yet!

I am also reading through Richard Taylor’s article on ‘documenting your work’ and finding that there is much to learn!

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