Most of this past week has been spent in a bit of a tailspin but today I feel things may possibly, perhaps and hopefully be coming together…. A useful chat with the Building Manager, the Health and Safety man, the busy but happy to be able to help woodwork technician and the ever wonderful porter dissipated several clouds of doubt about my show space (which became a worry late last week when a new location was suggested for my work after I'd made plans for the first space, tested a technical run etc). The new space is large, will be more of a challenge to prepare and to execute my plans in but will make a positive difference to the visibility and ambition of the work.

Once I have the opportunity to speak to our overworked but hugely accommodating technician about the hardware I need to borrow and the logistics of its positioning in the new space, I may be free to panic simply about the sheer amount of work I have to do once my space is released rather than the unknown quantities relating to the roles of others with the power of veto…… I am not the only one to be feeling uneasy – how strange it is to have the sum total of three years work be dependent upon one final show!

Starting to consider the making side in earnest now – and hoping I have enough time before the assessments begin when preparing such a big space on my own may amount to the task of Sisyphus…. I'm also making applications to exhibit work after the degree show date – another odd feeling to be considering life after such a red letter event. Plate spinning is the way forwards.


It's a strange feeling, being on the verge of holding a degree show. There is a sense of quiet urgency, almost desperation, around the third year studios which is coupled with an odd absence as some students have packed up and headed for home to await the release of their show space. Nonetheless, those present seem hugely focussed and keen to make the show a success. So the unease is not entirely unpleasant, there seems to be a concentration of intention and drive behind it.Anyone involved in the degree show committee has the added pressure of queries about the PR for the show, usually from those who have studiously avoided all involvement up until this late point. However, there are a lot of terrific things being done by art students in this university. It may not have the PR gloss or private backing of some of the other art schools out there, but within the walls of this adapted old house in the grounds of a tree filled park can be found some inspirational staff and inspired students. I would like to use this blog to invite everyone to visit us and see what has been happening here. We all attend our chosen universities for a plethora of reasons but as of July this year we will be set adrift in the same boat. Come and see who you are going to be sailing with? I know I plan to visit as many of you as time will permit.Wishing you all great shows,CJD.