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OK – there is a mounting feeling of panic now. I'm not sleeping properly, my head is full of degree show, degree show,degree show – and doubt. That's never a good bedfellow.Anyway – the biggest worry is the space. Not the physical space any more, that at least has been resolved. I am aware of the where! However, the 'what state' question is as yet unanswered. One of the current second year occupants may not be reliable in terms of scraping a load of plaster off the floor – a considerable load that said student has put on the floor in the first instance. I haven't said much about my degree show installation as yet but there is potentially a lot of magnetic tape involved. My guess is that magnetic tape would love a whack of plaster dust and it would try its best to keep it….. This would ruin the finish on the tape (which is hugely important) and I am concerned that the student in question has become the Scarlet Pimpernel and cannot be contacted to get things in order asap…..DEEP BREATH!!On the plus side, my lead melting and pouring went extremely well. Having spoken to my peers, I am also well aware that panic is not my speciality. We are all practising hard to perfect it it seems…..