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Assessment looming for post grad certificate stage next week. I spent yesterday and most of today editing video of performances into short enough but long enough pieces for consumption in the crit. It is difficult to get the video document to represent the essence of the performance. I need to consider how I want to document performances that has meaning for me.

I also produced a new cut of a video I made a few months ago but I have been working on production and improvements and think that it is much better. This is a work in itself rather than a piece of documentation.

Critical Studies lecture and seminar today was on Relational Aesthetics. Lecturer presented, amongst others, the work of Santiago Sierra. I would be interested to hear what other people think about his work as an example of Relational Aesthetics.

Since tutorials last week I have begun a journal which I am aiming to use daily to document my interactions with Corvids. I will choose a photograph each day, taken using my phone, and draw and write a few words to respond to these actions.