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Alastair MacLennan performance/actuation on Saturday at 25SG, excellent. There was also a talk by Ben Ponton and discussion about documentation in Performance Art on Sunday.

The ephemeral nature of performance and its resistance to commodification are some of its attractions, but these ideals could be undermined by photo and video documentation. Many artists have attempted to control the documentation of their work in order to retain the nature of the performance. Others have used the documentation to provide another layer to their work.

With the ease of use of image capture technology it is increasingly popular for the audience/witnesses of a performance to record video and still images without the express permission of the artist. As artists we need to decide how we can respond to these prevailing conditions in a way that fits with our own values and purpose in making art.

I must admit that it’s ephemeral nature and audience engagement are two of the things that attract me to performance. The need to record the work whilst doing a Fine Art course have involved me in recording parts of the performance work for the purposes of assessment. If applying for funding, commissions or competitions it is also likely that I will need images of previous work for the application.

I have not resolved the issues of documentation for myself. I tend towards the wish to reach a wider audience through social network and other internet platforms but I am also trying out other methods for recording and responding to my performances.

Assessment results due tomorrow. Today I am feeling positive about what I am doing with only small reservations about the ways in which everything will come together.

Sorry that I managed to lose the video link I placed here twice. I need to find out what went wrong.