did some more work on me and olivia today, olivia’s right hand eye is driving me mad, i cant work out which way it should be looking, and its looking the wrong way on the photo, so i cant copy that. rrrrraaaahhhh…..


here is the finished one of helen


went in to the art school this morning, did some more work on olivia, useing that veridian/ lemon yellow combination, with some white and naples yellow to soften it. looks good. don’t like the one of me today, contemplating leaving it out of the exhibition and having kate, helen, adam and olivia instead. i think thats what will happen. had my exhibition space confirmed today, three boards plus a foot. excellent. dissertation on 3,400 words. made another six small canvasses today, so i can test both the skulls looking forward and the skulls and the same angle as the heads idea.


lots to say today. i had a tutorial today, and lots of things relating to the exhibition where discussed, including:

 * the possibility of calling ALL the paintings ‘still life’

 * selling the paintings in pairs, with the corresponding skull, for £300 per pair, which seems fair, as i’d get £195 after the school had taken its 35% off

 * the skulls could all be facing the same way, as in the second skull painting, to suggest the monotomy and very same death we all experiance

  * the first skull paintng has too much going on visually, the second one is better because of its symetry

 * the skulls could be facing the same way as thier corresponding person

 * i could have all four, or even five portraits in the exhibition (with the skulls, that would make a ten painting show!)

 * the skulls could be bigger (is the  mirror nessesary?)

 * the skin on olivia is the wrong colour. try viridian mixed with lemon yellow, apparently.


 had contact lenses put in today. have honestly never been in such a state of nervousness over a forecoming physical happening in my entire life. torture! anyway, whether i shall be able to put them in in the morning remains to be seen. the relevence of the above is that not a lot of work has been completed today. i knocked off a skull painting in the morning with disgustingly little effort (it took about an hour) so that dosn’t really count. spent the afternoon poking a tansparent material onto the surface of my eye, for my forthcoming benifit and conveniance, and this evening i have been doing a bit of dissertationing. painting tommorow, will try to put another layer on both paintngs, and to do another skull or two in the evening before my tutorial on thursday morning (we do have them after all). in case you are wondering, the sudden use of long, vacuos and irrelevent words in this blog is a direct result of me writing my dissertation prior to this. haha…