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2008 update

Writing a regular blog for Degrees Unedited in the run up to my degree show was a surprisingly therapeutic experience. It helped me to get perspective on my technical problems – to realise that if a painting wasn’t working one day there were better solutions then sticking a palette knife through it… I’d resolved issues before, I could again.

Since leaving university I’ve enjoyed the freedom of being able to paint whatever I feel like without having to analyse myself, or make a piece ‘fit in’ with a dissertation philosophy. However, I do miss the luxury of having nothing more pressing to do then paint all day. The main issue has changed from ‘will I get these paintings done in time?’ to ‘will I get the time to do these paintings?!’ I currently work as a Gallery Attendant in the Dulwich Picture Gallery, London. It is an amazingly relevant job and looking at art all day is a constant reminder of what I want to do with the rest of my time. Being in London, I feel much more in touch with the art world than I did at university, as I can visit galleries and museums with ease.

My paintings juxtapose photorealism with strong abstract elements – in ‘This moment, now’ the drippy effect in the background symbolises the slippery nature of memory and our inability to recall the past accurately, conjuring up a feeling rather than a visually accurate account. Not being perturbed by last year’s rejection, I’m once again entering the BP Award with ‘You choose what you reflect’. I’m not expecting to be accepted but in art I think perseverance is key. Or perhaps it’s just stubbornness…