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Decorating dilemma – is it possible to suffer from "Emulsion Blindness"?

Whoosh there's a lot to do! Spent all day yesterday clearing my studio, or rather gallery space, in preparation for the graduation show. Floor scraped, walls plastered and painted, today I hope to begin a trial hanging using sugar paper shapes in place of the paintings. Its absolutely roasting hot in the studio, which now has all its windows boarded over, and with hours spent staring at the blinding white painted boards we're all going a bit "snow blind"! Using tape measure, masking tape and some blue wool, I hope to achieve even distribution of paintings and some kind of uniform regularity. Watch this space!

Went out painting on Tuesday by the river, a very secluded spot, but phew was it hot! I managed two good pictures and three rubbish ones, plus some sketches, which isn't a bad ratio. Not good enough to go in the exhibition, but they have made it to the portfolio of unselected work. It was such a hot day that when I'd done painting I jumped in the river for a swim. Let the joys of summer continue!