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2007 update

What a difference a year makes. Around this time in 2006 my degree show was taking shape: a difficult time, full of tension, apprehension and misgivings – emotions common to all final year students. In short, life was fraught. Now a year further on, half way through a part-time MA, and with adrenaline levels back (I think) to normal, it’s time to reflect. I wanted to maintain my BA impetus and carrying on without a break gave me this opportunity. But was it a sensible thing to do?

Well, that depends. If you need to get out there earning money to pay off that humongous student loan and an MA is a requirement of getting that job, then, yes, perhaps you have to get on in there and do it. If not however, some time away from academia might be beneficial. Perhaps consider part-time study as an alternative. It’s working for me. I enjoyed my undergraduate time at Aberystwyth, and could see no sensible reason to uproot and change (I’m probably getting too old for that now anyway). The staff here are enthusiastic and encouraging, I have the freedom to drop into any taught modules that I feel might benefit me and there’s a great series of lunchtime talks by top contemporary artists (with an added bonus of tutorials from them if you want). It suits me well. The course is flexible and its content is negotiable, although as with everything there are certain prescribed elements that everyone has to do. The hoops remain – they’re just higher off the ground.

My MA studies are self-funded – I thought it might be the case when I applied. I tried for AHRC funding and although my proposal was classed as ‘excellent’ there were, regrettably, insufficient funds available. One of my fellow students however was successful in gaining an award, so it’s not necessarily a foregone conclusion that you’ll have to fund yourself. Do your homework on alternative funding sources, but be prepared for the harsh realities of life. I am continuing to develop my own practice, building contacts and creating a body of work for exhibition, at the same time as studying and I find that a combination of work and study suits me well (although ask me on an off day, when everything is happening at the same time and you will probably get a different, and probably quite curt, response!).

Mike Hall graduated from the School of Art, The University of Wales, Aberystwyth in 2006.