Viewing single post of blog Unwrapping The Gift

There has been a lot to follow up on in the wake of my Origin /Crafting space project.
There is now a photo gallery online and the Crafts Council are editing a short film about it, these will both help in raising its profile as I plan to get it put back into the public eye.

I started getting back into making in the studio last week , it’s helping me define my ideas for my current research and also for an application I am making for The Shape of Things bursary. It all interconnects and intersects and I will unravel my thoughts here next week.

I have finally begun to use the wrapped objects I begun 2 years ago to try out some ideas (see images). They are from my late mothers cutlery draw and I have been wrapping them in kilim wool from her village in Iran , then using edited extracts from the my Mother to Mother blog to create ribbon narratives linking the objects.

I used this blog to document the Mother to Mother project but also transcribed my diaries detailing my own experience of becoming a mother for the first time then losing my own in the Boxing Day Tsunami a few weeks later.

The images here are of the first piece, a kind of sketch to see how they could work.