Viewing single post of blog Vermont Studio Centre Residency August 2008


The residency has finished, and I have been reflecting a little, and plugging back into my world alot. It has been an extraordinary experience, timely, constructive, creative, sociable (professionally, personally) …I couldn't have anticipated the rewards I have from the time at Vermont Studio Centre….I couldnt have predicted…I feel enriched, I have a body of work to develop and lots of ideas, I have new friends and peers all over the world and a number of opportunities have already been presented. In short my world has opened up……


I dont like Goodbyes…..I do like Goodbyes….its good to not like Goodbyes as it means there's something sad about leaving and if there's something sad about leaving its because something good happened…..and its good to like Goodbyes because it can mean you have an understanding of all that sadness, and happiness, and can say this was good, and there's good ahead and Goodbye.