From the concept to a new installation and exhibition. This blog is a record of my process and thoughts in preparation for a small solo show ‘Void’ at Pitzhanger Manor House & Gallery, April 2011


I’ve not managed to write as much as I hoped. It has been hard to find the time.

The installation is now finally under construction and I have been documenting the process each day…you can see those images on my facebook page

The whole process has been such a learning curve! So many different problems have come up. From sourcing materials without a budget, to time management, and actually being unable to construct the site specific installation on site until 3 days before opening!

But I feel that everyday I’m learning. And I think in many ways that is quite a huge part of the motivation.

I have a clear idea of what I want and a feeling that I want the work to evoke but at each stage of the process that idea gets challenged. It seems to be a battle to find solutions to make it work, but in the struggle to find solutions something really creative starts happening.

The initial idea begins to grow from something set to something more real, and more alive. It develops. And it seems like I have to let go of it in order to see possibilities and solutions that I couldn’t have possibly imagined before.


Its been crazy busy these last couple of weeks. I feel like I havent really stopped to relax properly once.

Been painting like mad…and every now and then I have a bout of panic when i consider the fact that this installation which I havent even begun to build could just all go horribly wrong.

I wonder why I push myself like this, why I take on so much all at once….I guess it’s the hope that if it just works it could be amazing.

I’m hoping and working my arse off!


Sometimes problems just seem to solve themselves.

I’m not sure how it works, but last week was one of lucky coincidences and opportunities.

I had a good start to the week meeting with the curator for the show. We both got quite excited about how far the work had progressed and eagerly talked about what it could finally look like once complete.

That point seems far away just now but I realise it’s going to fly by.

Aside from talking about the work and painting a fair bit I managed to kick start the admin side of things…something I’d been dreading for sometime.

Now the invite is almost complete, the press release under way and I may have found someone to help me with the publicity for the show AND fingers crossed I’ve located a source for materials local to the gallery.

This week I have to send off the invites to the printers, complete the press release, work on the action plan for the publicity and just paint as much as possible!


Today I presented the idea for my installation to the Gallery and discussed the most immediate problems it presented.

The idea is great BUT…

Problem 1: Pitzhanger Manor house is a grade 1 listed building so anything I make must be carefully thought out so as not to damage the architecture. But for the installation to work it must appear to be seamlessly part of the space.

I wanted to raise the entire floor.

The door opens into the space so I cannot raise the floor at the opening.

I am not allowed to remove the door.

Building a fake room is not an option.

Problem 2: I have no experience in making floors.

Problem 3: I am not an engineer.

Problem 4: Maybe this is the biggest issue…It will be a very costly project and I haven’t got funding

Good news

I like a challenge and will have the gallery technicians to help me build the piece and work out some of the structural problems.

They also like the idea

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In November I was invited to put together an exhibition for The Studio Gallery at Pitzhanger Manor House and create an installation for the House itself.

The exhibition title – Void

Void ventures into the unknown, exploring the potential of what lies beyond the space, the unexplained, the imagined.

So with the concept and title set before Christmas I spent the winter months working away at trying to develop the visuals for the installation.

I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but I find visualising things remarkably hard! Probably a bit of a weakness for a so called visual artist!

So these past months have been a bit of a nightmare.

I knew when I picked the space that I wanted to create a floor based installation. Since then I have been making mini floors and trying to manipulate them in various ways.

One test after the next seemed to fail and I felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall!

I began focusing on the paintings for the show in the hope that it would help clear my mind. I think it must’ve helped because the other day on the train home I could suddenly see the installation I wanted to make. A clear image in my head!

Now in many ways the real hard work begins…realising that image and working out how the hell to install it in a grade 1 listed building without damaging the precious walls!