Placing these two images beside each other in my studio space allowed me to preview them properly against a white space. This way i could conduct a proper assessment. The image on the right with the dark background didn’t portray what i wanted to get across. People where getting confused because  they thought my canvases where about a muscular women and a man. This is not what i wanted. I had to make a harsh decision to change my focus and came to the conclusion that instead of looking at extreme muscular female forms, i should be focusing on more flattering images of muscular women to assist my subject matter.  Women can still look beautiful and be socially accepted as women regardless of there “manly muscles”.

Due to this decision i took down the darker canvas and re-painted it in magnolia emulsion ready to start again with a different image.

With regards to the image on Canvas i intend to keep it was suggested by one of the tutors that i painted in the hand of he female nude as it looks like i am being reluctant in my images to escape the hands, and i should display that i can do them and am not avoiding them. So i took this advice on and started to paint it in.