With the canvas partially dried i tried to sketch an image onto the canvas but because the paint was still wet this wasn’t happening. I used a small paintbrush to engrave in the outline of my image with the use of some black acrylic paint and transported the image to the studio to finish off. When i placed the canvas next to my current canvases that where displayed in my degree space i was surprised to see that they flowed together and a few of my peers also commented and agreed that the texture behind the image was interesting because you can still see the pointillism piece through the paint.  This was a pleasant surprise and without realizing i had created something with meanings behind it that connected and flowed with my current images displayed without even realizing.  So i waited for it to dry and hung the canvas at an angle using fishing wire, hooks and eyes in the same way as the previous two canvases.

Maat:- (Roman)- Goddess of wisdom, medicine and craft. Her name is linked to the Latin words which means “intellect”, suggesting the intelligence and inventiveness of this ancient goddess.