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This week has been focused on materialising works for the exhibition next week. I have had to consider the works practically and physically to bring them forth to realised works. Working with the print of the hover fly and finishing the video to accompany this print has has lead to some techincal difficulties and compromises to be made with the work. Initially the image was to be printed on vinyl however the uni don’t print vinyl the size that i would have liked it. For this reason i settled for the high gloss paper print, although not what i originally planned i think that the physical print allows for more objectivity within the piece. The projection and vinyl were going to be very 2 dimentional together but the gloss print comes away from the wall and will interact with the space and other work in the room more. Working on both works at the same time has encouraged me to think of how they will work together in the space. Drawing from their relation to the space and then with one another relates to the dialogues within each work well. Materialisation of the bench part of the other work for this exhibition has been a big step this week. Bringing it into the space i can now begin to see how the work will all fit together and respond to the exhibition space.