Viewing single post of blog Westgate Studio Residency

Yesterday was my second residency day at Wakefield Studios.

I met several more of Wakefield’s studio holders, including Paula Tod http://www.axisweb.org/seCVPG.aspx?ARTISTID=4862 hose studio I was able to spend some time in and photograph.

Spent the first hour or so yesterday photographing in the top floor studio that had been occupied by artist Red John, before revisiting particular parts of the building again and then taking myself outside to photograph the surrounding buildings many of which are quite particular in style.

Thoughts so far about the format for the work to take are:

A series of visual booklets either documenting each trip or focusing on individual aspects for example:

Local buildings; door furniture in the studio building (which has had an interesting history, is a listed building and used to be a coaching hotel before becoming a bank and now studio complex.)


These ideas represent a jumping off point rather than a concrete proposal and I will begin to get a better idea of how the images might begin to sit together over the next couple of days as I start working more with the material.