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While working on the photographs from Westgate Studios have been thinking about the impact might cameras have on our understandings and expectations.

There are a prolific amount of images surrounding us, a constant kaleidoscope or slide show of images.

Replicating the way our eye sees, builds up visual information from number of images.

Thinking about photographing things in the way expected… prescribed… what things should look like/interpretation….imposing a look/set of ideas/ideologies connected with a certain ‘look’…. Camera and lens will dictate how we see/interpret things… sepia long exposure Victorian photos… 35mm b/w fast grainy film… Polaroid… flash… digital… HD. The capabilities/availabilities of technology interpreting its current environment.

Have been looking at soft focus, enlarged segments of the photos as a way to question the extreme clarity achievable by high tech digital and HD cameras.