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After work, i went down to Fishergate to have a look around the area where the STEW Gallery is situated. The Gallery was closed as it was 6pm or so, but i walked up and down the river to find a starting point for my work.

My main observation was that 90% of the area has been regenerated, and in quite a sympathetic way. There are a lot of expensive looking flats along the river with BMWs parked outside. The only part that has not been regenerated is the STEW Gallery building, which used to be a Handbag factory. I wonder why this is the only part of Fishergate that seems untouched. Perhaps it is listed (but it looks too new). It would be nice to find out.

There might be scope in looking at new/old materials, and in regenerating something old, however i would like to stay true to the theme of "wet", or perhaps i can reference the use of the river (maybe in construction or the transportation/movement of materials). Im looking forward to our meeting tomorrow, and am particularly interested in speaking to Laura as our practice shares similar architectural / utilitarian aesthetics.