On 1 January 2020, at the casual invitation of my friend Lenara, I jumped into the world of cryptoart. It’s since taken over much of my time, neatly dovetailing with — and keeping me insanely busy during—the global COVID crisis. But I’ll tell you my own story another time. The purpose of this post is to offer a quick and easy introduction to the concept of cryptoart.

Here’s as simple an explainer as I can muster.

Read the full article on Medium here: https://medium.com/swlh/what-the-heck-is-cryptoart-41f8af965e92


Established NFT platform Mintbase has just launched on the NEAR protocol. If you’ve been waiting for an eco-friendly way into NFTs, this is a great opportunity. Here’s why.

Read the full story on Medium: https://medium.com/swlh/the-green-affordable-nft-on-ramp-youve-been-looking-for-4a7d6111babd