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Thinking about my next work, I was considering tracing the road route travelled between the two halves featured in my Dwelling Fusion series. In a sense this could be viewed as a negative space as it both joins and separates the two dwellings that constitute the basis of the work.

I remember seeing works from the Air Routes of the World, by Langlands and Bell, exhibited a few years ago at UCS and found it very interesting. The plotted air routes standing alone rendering geographical mapping totally unnecessary so familiar the emergent image of a space so densely plotted with the myriad of commercial air traffic routes.

In keeping with my current minimalist approach to painting I plan to trace the journey of one solitary vehicle on its journey of three hundred miles of ‘A’ roads and motorway; the outcome in stark contrast to that achieved by Langlands and Bell – http://www.vam.ac.uk/users/node/6634