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About me: White Winter Publishing starts as just me, so it seems that talking about myself and my reason for wanting to start this little business is a good place to start.


White Winter Puublishing is currently just an idea – there are, as yet, no books to speak of. I had the idea about eight months ago, and it hit me like a bullet train: it was such a simple and compelling idea that I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before! After recovering from the shock, I spent a long time discussing the idea with friends and thinking of all the reasons why I couldn’t ‘just start’. Eventually, in some fit of whimsy in the middle of September (after months of inactivity and no progress) I decided to post an opportunity with a-n. I received confirmation that the opportunity had been posted on the website, and then within two days I had been contacted by five different people. So that about brings us up to date. But what about me?

Well, I graduated from a Fine Art course in the summer of 2006. I’ve had a pretty full calendar since then, not all of which was as stimulating as I had hoped when I was a student. In many ways I am now very confused about why I did the course and what I got out of it, but some little things remain: the idea that ‘getting things out there’ really makes a difference and informs what you do next is absolutely true (as my whimsical post proved!); one tutor stressing the importance in allowing oneself to dream in determining what next… So, I think the course had some small part to play in this idea. More than anything, though, it is the twenty odd years I’ve spent adoring books and reading until my eyes sting that make this idea the most obvious and sincere channel for my heartfelt passions.